our Workshop
We have developed a workshop for service providers and support workers who are interested in exploring more about how their values may align with anti-carceral approaches to violence prevention, and how individuals and teams can form connections and work towards transforming approaches to justice across the sector. We were privileged to offer this workshop through CIAFV (Community Initiatives Against Family Violence) in Edmonton throughout 2024.
Our workshop Shifting Perspectives: Diversifying Our Collective Framework for Anti-Violence Work Through Collaboration includes a guided process of identifying our own beliefs and values in violence prevention, exploring how these beliefs may align with different approaches to justice, and steps for building towards a practice founded in our values and a transformative future. The workshop is highly interactive and can be adapted to different group sizes, and offered either in-person, online, or hybrid.
To inquire about booking a workshop, email us at info[at]savedmonton.com with the subject line “Shifting Perspectives Inquiry”.